Call of duty black 4
Call of duty black 4

call of duty black 4

When it comes to long kill-streaks and slower style of play, this particular Titan loadout is an ideal choice as it helps speed up this rather slow weapon. With two successful bursts to the upper body, you'll quickly come to find that you have a noticeable advantage over your opponents. When combined with the Extended Mags and the Repeater Operator Mod, the ABR 223 is a killing machine. The Tactical ABR 223 Rifle has one of the quickest kill rates currently in the game. Along with the addition of Stock I, the recoil for this weapon is hardly noticeable. With the Fast Mag attachment added, the Saug 9mm's reload time is greatly increased, making the weapon much more favorable during those multiple kill situations. The Saug 9mm is arguably one of the most dominating submachine guns in Call of Duty: Black Op 4. Players will also find that by adding the FMJ and Stock I attachment, the weapon is not only significantly easier to handle, but it is also much more smoother when firing thanks to the added stabilization.

call of duty black 4

This can be extremely helpful when firing upon multiple enemies. With the addition of Extended Mags, you can now last even longer as you won't need to reload as frequently. With the potential to be an absolute beast when used correctly, the weapon thrives with both High Caliber and Fast Mags due to its extremely fast reload time.ĭue to its insanely fast firing rate and high damage capabilities, the Spitfire is an absolute beast when it comes to close quarter combat. However, if you are able to master the Daemon 3XB, you will undoubtedly have your hands on one of the better weapons within the game. It is important to note that the Daemon 3XB isn't for everyone, especially given the general consensus when it comes to burst style weapons. With the addition of Gung-Ho and Dead Silence, players can traverse the map much faster and sneak up on unsuspecting opponents. When paired with the Grip I and II attachments, the recoil is basically non-existent. However, what makes the ICR-7 such a favorable weapon is its extremely low recoil. With exceptional accuracy and a rather decent fire rate, the ICR-7 is overall a fairly balanced weapon that excels at distance based encounters. While it isn't exactly the best weapon available, its ease of use for all skill levels and rather impressive stats is what makes the KN-57 a favorite amongst the community. If you are looking for an impressive all-round weapon, this KN-57 loadout is a great choice.

Call of duty black 4